Saturday, March 20, 2004
-:- Come on people -:-

... it is just a band... Over the course of 3 almost 4 years online, I have watched, listened, and laughed my ass off as some of the bullshit that surrounds this band. I mean some people take everything said, written, burped, farted way too seriously. Again I must say.. get a fucking grip, it is just a band.

Now with that said does that make me less of a fan, because I choose to not let all the bullshit, hype that covers this band take over my life? I guess if breathing, sleeping, eating this band is the classifcation of being a true fan.. than I have my answer. I am not a true fan. And I am okay with that.

I am okay with not pouring everything ounce of my life into a group of men who could give a flying rats ass less of me. Hell I, along with thousands of others are just nameless faces in the crowd, or a pocketbook filled with cash to buy their new CD, videos, bootlegs..

Why is that people can not see past the bright lights that shine on these guys? They are entertainers who are just doing a job. Where did the humor go? I have never seen such a large group of people who get their panties in a wad over such stupid shit.

It is childish bullshit like this that makes a person really wonder if buying, following, supporting this band is worth it. I find myself more and more these days, more disapointed when impressed.

So I think I have my answer..


Evil Wench blogged on 9:03 AM

Monday, March 08, 2004
-:- Did the hellmouth open up? -:-

Yet another post on the OS..

"HI!!! Would YOU VERY SEXY and HOT ROCK STARS,CONSIDER placing a HOT LINGERIE MODEL like ME on the COVER of YOUR NEW STEAMY CD,CHECK ME OUT at = http://onlinemodeling.com/KimberDollface , HUGS!!! YOUR MOST DEVOTIONAL FAN!!! XO, Kimber Dollface "

Oh Christ... Is it not enough that you pimp yourself out on a webpage, but you have to beg for a cover shot. And when have the leps EVER used a woman other than the retro album for a cover? Ummmmm hello sweetpea, this is DEF LEPPARD, not Blink 182 who likes to use porn stars on their albums!

Don't mind me I am just banging my head against the desk. Of all the times I am thankful the boys don't check out the OS!

Evil Wench blogged on 12:42 PM

-:- Does Ebay sell Straight Jackets? -:-

Okay this post is from the ask Joe a question on the Os. Of course I nabbed it before it could be deleted. ( which it should be) The person who wrote this is beyond delusional! She has a problem thinking outside the box. I hate to say this, but most Steve fan-a-tics are that way.

Granted the man was gifted, but in the same breath this man killed HIMSELF! He ended the life he was not strong enough to live. Now of course that does not allow anyone to say if that was the chicken shit way, or not. None of us know what the man felt, we never had to walk a step in his shoes. But his fanatics, seem to think they know. They don't believe he died because he could not or want to fight the demons in his mind and heart, they believe each of the members of the band killed him. And this person blames only one person! JOE!

Here is her post..


Well, well ,well. Here we are again, its time to post another list of bullpoop questions for the Diva. Lets see, youll let through the most harmles questions. Nothing too controversial, nothing too hard (Wouldnt wanna make him actually THINK would we?), nothing personal, and DEFINATELY nothing that he might put his big ole foot in his mouth to answer. Hello Mark, *Waves*, youll be the one to decide the most harmless questions for your little buddy wont you? Afterall, wouldnt wanna lose your job as bands favorite kissass would ya? And youll prolly delete this post, you always do, the truth has a way of itching at you.

BUT, while Ive got the temporary attention of everyone, I had a few questions to pass on....

1. Tell me Joe why have you spent the past 14 years telling everyone that Steve had a 'leave of abscence' when in actual fact you really did fire him, and probably push him over the edge?

2. Why was it when he used to check out of rehab, did you not quit drinking to encourage him, instead of opening another bottle and sending him back down the same route?

Now, for my own....

How does it feel to know that youve become SO irrelevant to everything thats gone on in the past ten years or so, and that Kurt Cobain, a man dead for a decade can outsell you by three times?

The Queen of the Damned (Everyone knows me)

Now I have went round and round with Miss Queen. She is in need of a white room with lots of padding. She claims she has proof, yet the woman was barely able to ride a bike without training wheels when SMC passed away. But hey, she has proof. And when I say proof, I mean the voices in her head.

What is it about this group.. I have never seen so many rocks unturned than I have with this group!

Evil Wench blogged on 12:13 PM

Thursday, March 04, 2004
-:- More Questions -:-

New Member asked:

"Hey Hottie,
Since I know this is your favorite question to be asked here goes " How did you come up with The name Def Leppard"? JUST KIDDING!!!! So real question.....just wondering what your thoughts and feelings are on the numerous fans who take road trips to come and see you, they're staying in your hotel, drinking at the same bar, and u see them from show to show. Is it flattering, or do u find it quite annoying by the end? "

Let's break this down, in Jules' style shall we...

"Since I know this is your favorite question to be asked here goes " How did you come up with The name Def Leppard"? JUST KIDDING!!!! "

Finally!! AMEN!! A funny, snort kind of question. Yeppie.. Sorry maybe it is my warped humor taking hold. Or the fact that through 18 pages of questions, I have found hardly nothing to really snort about.

Whatever, lets move on shall we??

"So real question.....just wondering what your thoughts and feelings are on the numerous fans who take road trips to come and see you, they're staying in your hotel, drinking at the same bar, and u see them from show to show. Is it flattering, or do u find it quite annoying by the end?"

Rock on sista.. If I did not know better, it sounds like this chick is from Kansas.. Straight and loaded question there. Much like moi would ask herself.. IN PERSON!

So come on moderators, let this through. I am dying to hear the answer to this question. Tell us Joe, do you offen feel like you have a mirror up your ass, and us fans are taking turns looking up your anal cavity?

Stay tuned.. We have almost a full month of questions to come..

Evil Wench blogged on 8:27 PM

-:- And the battles begin -:-

Why is it that anytime the band begins to go into the studio, or release something all the claws must come out. We have those who "hint" they are in the know, and than you have those who just plain can't stand that shit. So you have an instant fuel to the fire right there.

Personally, I could care less if you are bobbin your head in tune to Animal with either of these guys. That is your chore and heartache if you are. But what I do not like, are these little obscure messages. Some take is so far as to posting the shit on the OS. If you have something to say, just fucking say it! Don't ask me to dance around the 'stroke my ego, find me cool' circle with you, or anyone else for that matter.

I guess to me, if I knew these guys and they trusted me enough to tell me something, I sure as hell would not run to the internet and start spewing off everything. It is called burning bridges.. And those ashes don't repair themselves.

But than again what do I know.. Or maybe I do, I am just smart enough to keep my fucking mouth shut!

Welcome to "As Def Leppard Turns"

Evil Wench blogged on 9:34 AM

Wednesday, March 03, 2004
-:- Hello, Kettle? Black is calling.. -:-

I read something today that totally had me doing the *cough* hypocrite .

Lets just say.. When someone is known for being an ass towards 98% of the human race, suddendly turns over a new leaf, some people have a hard time believing or buying stock into the bullshit that is being sold!

Back with more later.. My head is still spinning from the load of crap I am seeing!

Evil Wench blogged on 9:59 AM

Tuesday, March 02, 2004
- : - Tar-Tar's are taking over - : -

WARNING- What you are about to read, is me basically saying everything everyone else wishes they could say to some of these people we have encountered on the OS. Now if being truthful and very straight-forward offends you in anyway, than you will wish to pass over this blog. This is my journal, my diary of sorts.. and I am letting anyone and everyone get a peak into it. So please if you have a problem with what I am about to say.. Email me.. or move on!

NOW, lets move on to the funny shit!!!


Attention fellow DL fans, your IQ will be tested, stretched, as you try to decode the questions that are being asked of Mr. JTE. Yes most of us will read through them and ask ourselves (out loud or silently your preference) WTF???

" Have you ever thought about changing the name of the band? "

Yes, lets change the name of the band. Let's throw out all the years of hits and heartache we poured into making it as " Def Leppard " and start all over again! Yes maybe they should go with a Symbol, and become the artist's formerly known as Def Leppard. What are they Prince?

" Do you ever wonder how Def Leppard would have developed musically if Steve hadn't passed away and would it have been vastly different to the sound the band is at now? "

Oh yes, this only screams PASS

" When do you plan to have a new album out? "

Never dude, didn't you get the memo, or the DL official newsletter, or read the DL FAQ?? Def Leppard is no longer making albums. They have split up and became solo folk singers. See they screwed up when they listened to the advise of another fan and changed the band's name from Def Leppard to Irish Fork Lore.. Sorry dude, I guess you was left out of the loop.

" Mariah Carey did a cover of Heartbreak and I was wondering what you thought of her version of the song? "

Again people! If you claim to be the biggest fan out there in the Def Leppard World, than please read every article, quote, misquote that Joe Elliott said/did. Hey Biggest Fan in the World, you're loosing points with us " not so big fans " who know he already answered that fucking question, when the song actually came out!

Come back, I am sure I will find more to poke fun at later. Hell I have to find something to laugh at.. Since I will be 8 BLEEPING thousand dollars in the hole here real soon!!

Evil Wench blogged on 2:26 PM