Thursday, June 30, 2005
:+: Time to start venting :+:

Yes kittens the bitching diva has returned. Stay tuned..

Evil Wench blogged on 7:34 AM

Thursday, September 23, 2004
-:- Why I hate my job -:-


1. The phone rings none stop. I shit you not. I can log just how many calls I get in a day and that number is currently at 206 and I have only been here for 3 hours.

2. Out of those 206 phone calls I guess that 80% of them have no clue what voice mail is. And what I mean is they always pop back to me and ask the following questions.

-Is that person in the office?

-Is that person on the phone?

- Can I leave them a message with you?

What do I look like the office police? As if these people are chained to their desks and never leave. Voice mail is there for a reason, fucking pull your head out of your anal cavity and use it.

3. Another 5 % love to do this, as if it won't make me want to shove the phone up their ass. They get their voice mail, so they hang up and call again. Over and over. I have this lady that tried to make this her daily habit, unil I simply had to explain that if she doesn't leave a message that person will not call them back. And you calling none stop is not going to make the person your calling happy to talk to you! Stop stalking them. Find something else to work on and go on about your business until they find the time to call you back!

4. Another 5% loves to bounce back and demand these people get paged. Yes of course because you wanting to ask your husband, mother or father what they are doing is that fucking important. As if these people enjoy getting pulled out of a meeting or bathroom because YOU can't wait for them to call you back!

5. 1% of these people are the employees children. Summer really blows for this. First as an employee instruct your children that unless their head came off, or they are bleeding out their ears that you really don't need to hear from them 20 times a day. Hell just give them your direct line, so you will know what it is like to listen to screaming kids when you answer the phone. Hell I have kids and they don't call me unless something is wrong. So unless you want me to start parenting your children when they call in fighting and screaming, instruct them NOT to call or if you really want to hear from your spawn from hell have them call you direct!

6. Bill collectors calling line workers wanting to know when they will pay? Yea, I am going to pull a worker off the line just to take your call. Figure out how to handle your business when they are at home. I am not your fucking private voice mail system. I could care the fuck less if they don't make their payments.

7. None English speaking people. Don't you dare get pissed at me for not understanding your language. Last time I checked I live in America and my native language is ENGLISH!!

8. Oh look in the 10 minutes it took to type this up, I got another 30 phone calls. Gee and people wonder why I don't want to rush right home and get on the phone and talk to them..

Stay tuned, this is more to come in the "Why I hate my job" thread..

Evil Wench blogged on 8:55 AM

Wednesday, July 21, 2004
-:- How to get your head snapped off, and handed back to you -:-

1. Start your bitch fest while I am pouring my first cup of java. Notice I said pouring as in have not taken a drink yet.

2. Stepping up to the plate with nothing but hearsay bullshit.

Yep, those two things will result in moi spinning around,biting your head off and handing it back to you once I am done chewing on it. And for an added little bonus, said person starts crying and runs off to tell my boss I was being mean! I guess I can check the 'make someone cry today' task off my to do list.

Be back in a bit, the boss is laughing on the other line.

-:- Update -:-

Okay this is what happened...

Hubby and I head out with a few friends after work to a local pub here in town. Of course we run into others from work, and no these are not people we consider friends.

As the night rolls on, the wife of a guy who is a manager at work, tells one of my friends that she is thinking about coming in and kickin the girl who works for her husbands ass. I guess this girl (who is married) has been calling her bosses cell phone in the middle of the night and slipping him little love notes, that *gasp* made it home to the wife. Of course these being fucktard Iowa, the wife gets mad at the girl and not the hubby. Because clearly he has not done anything wrong in this.. *what the fuck ever*

Anyway the next work week, this girl who is screwing around with her boss hears that I 'told' the wife she was screwing around. So this is where it comes in that I am being mean to her. I guess what she thinks is mean is this. I simply explained her to that if you are going to screw around while your married with another married man, your boss to not be alarmed when people talk and the wife finds out. Of course I could have told her it was the wife telling my friend, but why the fuck should I? This is not my problem.. I am not the one who has a mean ass wife on my ass...

Well since all this happened, the girl's hubby now waits in the parking lot for her after work. Aww how sweet. I guess when you act like a whore, you should be not be alarmed when people talk.. Expecially when you don't try to hide it from those you work with.

Evil Wench blogged on 8:01 AM

Thursday, June 03, 2004
-:- Typical behavior -:-

Well I guess once again the moderators of the OS had to step in and clean up the mess that the children left behind in their wake of finger pointing, blaming and name calling.

Way to go guys! Once again you have showed those who actually was adult about their conversations, just how juvenile you really are.

I am just thankful I am not famous, I would be ashamed to call a few of you people fans!

Evil Wench blogged on 6:21 AM

Saturday, May 29, 2004
-:- Gasp -:-

The DL webmaster and forum webmaster have grown tried of the playground..

official word from DB himself. "No rules for the playground." Is it that he finally had his fill with the fucktards that don't read the FAQ, or notice how many times he must and will repeat himself!

Of course being a long time member of the DL forum I have witnessed the destruction of it twice. I can only wonder if this will be the 3rd and final time. And what song will the band be playing if this ship does sink?

Evil Wench blogged on 8:17 PM

Thursday, April 08, 2004
-:- Cry me a river... -:-

Things you hate, and wish you could say out loud. Well I have no problem doing it.

1. Those who claim they have the maturity higher than a fly, but yet time and time again show all those around just how infantile they really are. Try thinking of someone other than YOUrself and how YOU feel, and how others treat YOU for a few seconds and you might find that maturity you claim to have.

2. Everyone likes a good drama from time to time, hell if they didn't people would not watch soap operas. But when you have a person that truly can not find peace unless there is some high drama going on, that is drama queen. Hell I know people who will invent things just so they can have things to bitch about. Find a stage! Some people believe life is short enough; they don't want to waste it on bullshit!

3. A part of me has respect for those who can only find something nice to say. Yet the evil wench in me would like to slap them upside the head when they continue to play nice. You know they want, itch, to tell these people who are blinded by their own idiocy or hallucinations they create; that they really should not bore children of there own. Look folks you are not doing these people a favor.. You are only adding to their delusion, and making the rest of us suffer.

4. Waaaaw, booohooo, life sucks, everyone is out to get me, why me.... Yep your right, everyone is out to get you. Did you not get the memo that everyone in the worlds role in life was to make things hard on you! Despite the fact we have life; we wake up everyday and worry about YOU! Get over it. Life is what you make it. If you wish to cry a river, blame everyone but yourself for your downfalls, than you will ALWAYS have a sad life and guess what kittens.. You have YOURSELF to blame.

Evil Wench blogged on 9:08 AM

Tuesday, April 06, 2004
-:- So there.. -:-

People who feel the need to call me in the evening, just can't understand how much I HATE talking on the phone! I am not a very good phone call person. I spend eight bloody hours a day on the phone, so the VERY last thing I want to do is talk on the phone at night.

Call me anti-social.. I can take it..

I am the type of person if I have something to say, I will call and let everyone know.. Until than, don't get offended when I don't sound all that interested. I can only listen to the same story over and over so much before I snap and block your phone number on my phone.

So with that said... " Call me.."

Evil Wench blogged on 1:18 PM